Wednesday 24 June 2015

Songs Of The Rain

Ohhh Dear Rain why you came so late
The earth is barren, my eyes are dry
Feeling like a trapped butterfly 
Let me spread my wing and fly in the sky 

Please make it Rain like never before 
make the farms glow green from pluses, vegetables and grains
 Looking through the window at the cloudy sky
It make me want to dance like a child

When  first drops of the rain touch my skin I fell like a Rose bud ready to blossom in a beautiful rose spreading love for all. It makes my body shiver awaking my electric soul  which is lost somewhere in this cruel world of betrayal,lust and sex to see the beauty of nature beyond these desires.

An electric charge flow through my nerves and give me an instant kick, eyes shining like a diamond and my perfect long lustrous wavy hair  are all messed up cutely falling from side to side touching mischievously my cheeks n lips sometimes covering my eyes in such a way through which you can see my sparkling eyes. It felt so good..

My heart  beats in a rhythmic motion Singing The Songs Of The Rain my lips quiver, feet are tapping to the sound of the rain drops falling on tin shades, glass, moving traffic, tree leaves and chattering birds all creating a natural DJ of its own forming magical, soothing and meditative beats . I an short of words to describe the magical moment. It feels like a out of world experience like I can watch myself glowing from the sky.

Millions of rain drop cleansing my body, mind and soul. I let the rain wash away all my previous pain from heartbreak, fear, anxiety which liberates my soul.

Every drop falling down from my head to my face to my breast to my navel to my toes and finally dissolve in the earth which is the the primary source of our existence rejuvenate me inside out like a innocent child sleeping in cozy lap of her mother.

But thunder n lightning make me scream like a wild cat.Smell of the fresh earth, dark green color of grass on which rain drop look like small crystals.  As soon as I reach home Change my clothes make some tea cover my self up in my comfy blanket sitting by the window,singing humming the songs of the rain.

Hope you like my interpretation of rain, it you like it den follow, share and Do let me know What else would you like me to write.
You know I love you XOXO .
Have a goood day.


  1. Hope ya'll like my Interpretation of Rain Xoxo
    Do let me know how you feel

  2. Many people can feel the same...
    But only few, like you can express it better..
    Actually it is not your interpretation...
    It is your inner beauty, that makes the drop 💧 more beautiful...
    Awaiting for next
