Friday 26 June 2015

Love Wins

Hey all my lovely, beautiful and sexy people. Today is a great day  to write this post. Love is in the air for all our LBGT friends.

Had been thinking for long to write about the hardships that LGBT community had been facing for so long throughout the world. I can't even imagine the pain that they had gone through and sacrifices made by them fighting for their rights day and night living in the shadow of fear and scrutiny.

Bullied, frightened, threatened on the name of religion and cast crying for the love and affection of loved one who turn their faces away due the the non-acceptance of same sex love by the society.

Were Abused, ashamed, alone my heart swells to even think about it. They are like birds who are not in the cage breathing air, eating, drinking but can't touch the sky the things birds love the most because his/her wings are chopped off.

But today their efforts, sacrifices they made, courage and determination has paid off. Numerous acts of courage, endure bullying and taunts, came to believe in themselves and who
they were. Fighting for equality, support and for something that had been already their but was snatched by them on the name of law.

Hope that other countries also take a note from The USA who made same sex marriage legal nationwide in US that laws are made to protect people not to take away freedom who to love and what to do. Slow but steady

As in the words of American President itself "Real change is possible...shifts in hearts and minds is possible." the only thing we need is to keep an open-minded approch  and move ahead for a fresh start.

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You know I love you xoxo
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