Wednesday 24 June 2015

How To Know God ....

Hello to all my lovely, sexy and beautiful people out der. Not feeling well today coz of my little adventure in rain yesterday if you have been reading my blog you know what I mean ;) , those new can read my yesterdays blog post "Songs Of  The Rain"

Having a Headache, even a small noise is making me sick to death feels like a hammer in banging on my head and in the mist of all this drama I found my GOD my savior.

Yes don't be surprised I know who God is, do you all wanna know God?  Let me break it down for you, in every holy book it is written and I quote:

" The God is the Creator of all things. He is the Source of the good news . Show us the right path to move. Since God gave us life, we should worship only him"

Now can you find your God coz these lines help me find my God.

Time for the big revelation. My God is my "Parents", yes you heard it write parents. They are the one who gave me life, source of good news for me, looked after me when I am sick, laugh with me when I am happy, cry with me and took all my sorrows, what I am who I am is all because of my GOD my parents.

Do you remember when you first started walking, when you laughed for the first time, the first words you speak. May be not but ask you father or mother they cherish and remember every single moment with you like it all happened yesterday.

Mother who nurture a child in her womb for almost 9 months took all the pain still had that glow in her eyes whenever she saw her bundle of joy. Father came back from office tired of all the work load, back stabbing, office politics but as soon as he took his child in his arms all his stress is gone like nothing happened.

Remember First step you take and your God is walking right behind you to catch you if you fall, the day you take a stroll for the first time out of the house and you tightly grab you fathers finger in you fist and he will literally take you in his comfy arms and say " Don't worry baby I got you."

I can go on and on and on but so overwhelmed writing this post as all those memories are flashing in front of me making my eyes moist a little.

If you a reading this post, please go to your parents and give them a hug as without them you will not be in this world neither would I or just give a call and say "Thank you " see how good you will feel and maybe you can find your GOD to.

Sorry for such a long post but I am so emotional right now, Thank you for reading.
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You know I love you. Go find you true GOD

1 comment:

  1. awwww....such a nice article...every word is so true.... :)
